At Merit Tutors, we have extensive professional experience in ensuring your child is fully ready for their GCSE exams. Our tutors take the time to understand your child’s needs and adapt their teaching style accordingly, which will benefit your child and enhance their academic development.
We understand how important GCSE exams are, and what students require in order to succeed.
We strongly believe that each child has the potential to attain the best possible grades with the correct guidance and assistance. Therefore, our approach involves thorough recognition of our student’s weaknesses to help to overcome them. We ensure that we create a motivating and supportive environment, in which students feel confident they will be able achieve to their best potential.
We cover the all the relevant course content included in Edexcel, AQA & OCR exam boards.
Our tutors introduce a variety of methods and techniques which make it easier for students to approach Maths questions.
We use a range of resources including past papers and strategies to make sure our students always achieve their full potential.
Our GCSE tuition classes have only around 4-6 students.
Our GSCE Maths tutoring is tailored to encourage all students through giving exam tips, tricks and ideas & is always exam focused,
At Merit tutors, we have high expectations for our GCSE Maths students as well as our tutors!
Our GCSE Maths tutoring service can help a student to boost their grade from grade 5 to 8 within a few months.
We have a wide range of resources from textbooks, past papers and personalised booklets for students to use.
‘“Before coming here, I was not confident in maths but now I find solving non-calculator paper questions much easier.”
At Merit Tutors, we cover all the relevant course materials within all exam boards. Our students start
the GCSE curriculum from as early as Year 9, giving them a vital head start and sufficient time to
cover both English Language and Literature thoroughly. Our tutors ensure that students are
comfortable and prepare them using our wide range of techniques and our innovative resources so
that your child is able to approach any questions with ease and confidence. While we strongly
encourage our students to achieve their best, we also challenge them at the same time to ensure
that they are able to tackle the difficult questions that may be presented in their real exam.
With the aid of our variety of educational resources, we ensure that your child is able to gain a
strong grasp of the text studied and is given detailed analysis, securing their marks in their exam.
We regularly conduct mock exams and in some cases we allow students to act as examiners to
identify exactly what the examiner is seeking in the response and how it can be implemented in their
own writing.
We strive to help our students by enhancing their understanding of literary devices and put it to
practise in their own writing. So why not give our lessons a try? Book your lesson today and take
benefit from our lessons.
‘My teacher makes it fun for me to read the novels and we spend a good amount of time going into detail. We put the PEE (point, evidence and explain) method to good use whilst discussing Inspector Calls.’
We cover all the relevant course material within the various exam boards, such as Edexcel, AQA and OCR.
We prepare students readily, so they are able to understand biology, chemistry and physics thoroughly.
Our tutors teach students a wide range of techniques so that your child is able to approach exam questions with ease and confidence.
Using a variety of educational resources, we make certain that your child has a strong grasp of all of the sciences.
We aim to help students to focus on enhancing their scientific analytical skills, so they are able to apply the knowledge they have learnt to practice.
‘I used to really struggle with science because I didn’t understand how to properly learn Biology, Chemistry and Physics, but now I can apply the knowledge that I learn to the unusual questions on the exam papers.”
We have previously taught around 700 students of which approximately 95% have successfully surpassed their predicated GCSE grades.
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